Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Esther Gets Drunk at The Office Christmas Party - Part 1

Esther started a new job after being fired from her previous 2 jobs unexpetedly in the last 3 months. Since she needed the money she had to take the next available job, which did not pay well, but she had no other choice. She figured she would work there for a couple of months but look for something better at the same time. Luckily for alcoholic Esther, after three days into working at the new job, the company was having its yearly Christmas party.

If you have been reading other articles in the blog, you know by now that Esther is an alcoholic. She likes to drink and party and it has been that way since she was 13. After all those years of drinking, you would think that she has learned to hold her liquore, but apparently not as she was fired from her job after getting too drunk (white-girl-wasted) at her office Christmas party. This is what she told me...

Esther said that she did not plan for things to go so badly since she only new about 5 people out of thr 800 employees who would be at the party. Because of this, she thought that she had complete anonymity and that even if she did get drunk, no one would know who she was. She would stick to hanging out with her immidiate coworkers who also partied hard.

The day began at 8 a.m. when the bus was to leave from the office to the location of the all.day party. Esther expected everyone to be on time so she arrived 30 minutes late, but found that the bus had already left - not a good start! She ended up catching public transportation (3 buses) to finally arrive at the location about 2 hours away. Once she arrived, the beer drinking began at about 10:30 a.m.! It wasn{t until after lunch that the dancing and music started with waitresses serving liquor. By 6 p.m. she had already madout with a coworker and got yelled by the HR supervisor for playing around the dance floor.

By 9 p.m. everything had gone well, but she was very drunk. That is when the shit hit the fan in a series of unlucky events. Unfortunately, when Esther gets drunk, she gets aggressive and likes to fight. Apparently she got in a fight with an unknown random coworker because she was told that she could not sit at the same table with a group on unknown coworkers. Basically, she felt insulted that the lady at the table did not allow her to with them, so she went off on her with a verbal attack. ¨Who the fuck do you think you are? You aain't shit¨, she said to the lady at the table. She later was to find out that the random lady was the Director of Human Resources. Uh-oh!

During that tyrade, she was promptly scolded by the party supervisor.

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