Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Esther Gets Fired from Several Jobs

Esther has had a lot of jobs because she gets fired from most of them eventually. This usually happens at the 1 year mark for some reason, but the shortest job lasted 2 weeks. One reason may be that she never gets along with the Human Resources people, which is not good.

1. California Pizza Kitchen
After getting fired from her previsous job, Esther needed money ASAP and had to look for a quick and easy job to a make some fast cash. She applied to everything, but in desperation decided to try something that she has 0% experience in - waitressing. It did not seem to hard and the money was decent, so she applied to a new California Pizza Kitch (CPK) that was opening soon.

She was hired and the first 2 weeks would consist of training. Esther thought that was awsome since she wouldn't actually have to work and still get paid. Even better, she could get free food while training! However, she did not learn much in training. On the second day of actually working, she was fired.

It may have been because the appetizers would come out after that entrees because she put the order in wrong. Or, because she forgot to give a customer the free birthday ice cream and totally ignored any birthday celebration request.

2. JWT Advertising Agency
Esther got drunk at the Christmas party and tried to fight the Director of Human Resources. Once rumors of the incident got back to her manager, she was quickly fired. For details, read: Esther Gets Drunk at The Office Christmas Party - Part 1

3. Y&R Advertising Agency
There may have been an international concpiracy involved, but Esther got fired again from another advertising agency for a combination of reasons. Though, they never said why, so it could be any one of these resons:

  • Esther was sleeping with a coworker who eventually dumped her and started dating the Human Resources Director. As a result, the office was a bit awkward and Esther thinks the HR Director wanted to get rid of her to keep her away from the guy.
  • Esther accidently insults her boss when she did not realize the conference call phone was not on mute.
  • Esther tells her boss that while on an out of town training event that the company paid for she felt like she was “on vacation”.

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