Friday, December 20, 2013

Esther's Dog Gets Stolen By An International Dog Trafficking Ring

Esther has always had bad luck with pets. There are common stories about dogs running away, but this story she told me was definately strange. Apparently, Esther's dog was stolen by an international dog trafficking ring!

Photo of Goofy Man.
Esther's dog was a brown and white spotted Chihuahua who was kind of goofy looking, so she called him Goofy Man -- like the rapper Gucci Man.

Esther said that it all started when she would walk her dog (aka Goofy Man) around the hood.

She started getting stopped by a random old lady that was about 60 years old an missing teeth

Though the lady looked a little sketchy, she would stop Esther and obsess over how cute her dog was, saying,  “Oh, your dog is so cute, you should let me have him. ” Uh, no! Thought Esther and would keep it moving.

Eventually, they became friendly as the lady gave Esther some free dog food and offered to babysit the dog for FREE! One day, Esther eventually gave in since she had to go out of town and needed someone to take care of the dog. She invited the lady over to her house and then dropped off the dog at the old lady's house. 

Looking back, Esther should have noticed that the lady's house was strange. She had 1 room with about 10 dogs in it. However, the lady incisted that she just loved dogs and was taking care of them for other people. Anyway, Esther thought it would be good for Goofy to make new friends, so she left him there. 

Matching description of old lady.
When she got back in town, she called the lady and that is when things started to get stranger and stranger. When the lady eventually answered the phone, Esther asked at what time she could pick up the dog. However, the lady said she took the dog out of town to her farm and would not be back until next week. Whaaaaat!?!?!?!

With no other options, Esther had to wait unti the lady came back in town and was then informed that the lady had gone on a business trip to Panama and that she took the dog with her. Whaaaat?!?!?!

“So when will the dog be back?” askesd Esther. Well...the lady started to explain that Goofy Man had become sick during the flight to Panama and that she had to take him to the vet. Therefore, Goofy was too sick to fly again and had to wait until he got better. At this point, Esther starts to realize that she will not be getting her dog back anytime soon or ever!

After incisting several times and trying to negotiate a meeting, the lady was not budging. She had decided to give the dog to her daughter in Panama and Goofy was not coming back. Her justification was that she had paid too much money on the vet bills, so that counted as paying for the dog like she had bought it and owned it now. She even sent Esther a picture of the dog to prove that it was ok! At least Goofy was being taken care of and was safe.

But, what could she do? The woman was out of town and she had no other information about her. She could not call the cops because she did not think they could do anything about it. She decided to go to the lady's house, but the doorman said that she was not living there and did not have any information on her either.

Esther's conclusion was that the lady was managing an international dog trafficking ring where she would steal dogs then resell them to other people. Was she in an organized crime network or gang? Esther decided that it was too risky to investgate further since the lady knew where she lived and did not want to stir up more trouble.

No wonder she had so many dogs in her house!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Esther Gets Fired from Several Jobs

Esther has had a lot of jobs because she gets fired from most of them eventually. This usually happens at the 1 year mark for some reason, but the shortest job lasted 2 weeks. One reason may be that she never gets along with the Human Resources people, which is not good.

1. California Pizza Kitchen
After getting fired from her previsous job, Esther needed money ASAP and had to look for a quick and easy job to a make some fast cash. She applied to everything, but in desperation decided to try something that she has 0% experience in - waitressing. It did not seem to hard and the money was decent, so she applied to a new California Pizza Kitch (CPK) that was opening soon.

She was hired and the first 2 weeks would consist of training. Esther thought that was awsome since she wouldn't actually have to work and still get paid. Even better, she could get free food while training! However, she did not learn much in training. On the second day of actually working, she was fired.

It may have been because the appetizers would come out after that entrees because she put the order in wrong. Or, because she forgot to give a customer the free birthday ice cream and totally ignored any birthday celebration request.

2. JWT Advertising Agency
Esther got drunk at the Christmas party and tried to fight the Director of Human Resources. Once rumors of the incident got back to her manager, she was quickly fired. For details, read: Esther Gets Drunk at The Office Christmas Party - Part 1

3. Y&R Advertising Agency
There may have been an international concpiracy involved, but Esther got fired again from another advertising agency for a combination of reasons. Though, they never said why, so it could be any one of these resons:

  • Esther was sleeping with a coworker who eventually dumped her and started dating the Human Resources Director. As a result, the office was a bit awkward and Esther thinks the HR Director wanted to get rid of her to keep her away from the guy.
  • Esther accidently insults her boss when she did not realize the conference call phone was not on mute.
  • Esther tells her boss that while on an out of town training event that the company paid for she felt like she was “on vacation”.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Esther Gets Drunk at The Office Christmas Party - Part 2

READ PART 1 FIRST! - Esther Gets Drunk at The Office Christmas Party - Part 1

While drunk yelling, standing, and pointing at a random lady that she did not know was the Human Resources Director, Esther was scolded by the party supervisor who said, “We don’t act like that around here. Sit down!”

Go home, Esther! You're drunk!

After finishing the meal, Esther began to look for her purse which had been lost at some point during the last 10 hours of drinking. She decided to look around the restaurant, but did not realize that little-by-little her coworkers were leaving and getting back on the buses to go home. Since she was the only one from the whole company left, a restaurant employees noticed her stumbling around and escorted her to the buses. But it was too late. When they made it outside, the last bus was leaving the parking lot. Oh no! Now what?

Esther did not find her purse, so she had no money, keys, or transportation to get home. She was about 1.5 hours away from home, drunk, and stranded. With no other options, the restaurant staff took pity on her and found a employee to drive her home. The next day she had to go to work and it was not pretty.
Since the office party was on a Thursday, Esther had to wake up on Friday to go to the office. Arriving around 10:30 a.m. with the worst hangover ever, she sneaked into the office. Then came the consequences from the night before -- she would have to email HR ask if anyone had found her purse. She tried to write the most polite email possible, not knowing that there was already some controversy about her stirring in the HR department.

Thankfully, someone found her purse and they were going to send it to her, but the email reply from HR was not so friendly -- clearly something had changed. But why? It was only later that Esther realized that the lady she yelled at was the Director of Human Resources. 1 month would pass before she found out.

During the next month, things started to change. Esther noticed that her manager was becoming increasingly frustrated with her for no reason -- even growling at her at one point when she asked what the conference call number was! Then, one of her coworkers told her that there were rumors about her from the Christmas party. Still, she did not think that was a big deal. She said, 'So what if I got drunk at a Christmas party. Who cares? It’s not like I was the only one. Noone is going to notice.'

Well, she was wrong. The logic may have been reasonable since she was drinking with her whole team, which was 5 other people who were also drunk. However, a couple of weeks later after another office party that got out of hand with some visiting Mexican coworkers, open tequila bar, and mariachis; she was called into a team meeting.

The no one knew what the surprise meeting would be about, they could not have expected anything worse to happen. As the team manager and director stood in front, they began to explain what they had heard about the Christmas party. Little-by-little, they said that they had been told that members of the team had been making out, falling, passed out drunk, missing the bus, and fighting. Esther said that her teammates were shocked! Even though they were all guilty of drinking, clearly the worst behavior was by her. Later that day she was fired.

Reasons for firing were unclear. Her boss told her about some error in a campaign that supposedly happened back in December, but that was a lie. The real reason was the drinking, but since legally that could not fire someone for being a badass party monster, they had to make up some work-related excuse.

Esther’s Personal Philosophy on Life

Esther’s philosophy on life is a bit strange. This definitely shapes her view on life and therefore her behavior. Here are some wise views to live by.

Should you ever have a question or are not sure what to do, take these guidlines into consideration:

  • Nothing good ever happens before 11 a.m.
  • Fake it 'til you make it.
  • AA does not work.
  • It is better to be mediocre than pursue power and fame.
  • Me and broke ni**as don’t get along - Quote from Rapper 2 Chainz.
  • Sober people are lame.
  • Yankees suck.
  • Old ladies are rude.
  • If it ain’t broke don’t fix it.
  • Work hard, party hard.
  • Believes in Determinism over Free Will.
  • Atheist, yet spiritual.
  • Believes in the supernatural like aliens and ghost.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Esther Gets Drunk at The Office Christmas Party - Part 1

Esther started a new job after being fired from her previous 2 jobs unexpetedly in the last 3 months. Since she needed the money she had to take the next available job, which did not pay well, but she had no other choice. She figured she would work there for a couple of months but look for something better at the same time. Luckily for alcoholic Esther, after three days into working at the new job, the company was having its yearly Christmas party.

If you have been reading other articles in the blog, you know by now that Esther is an alcoholic. She likes to drink and party and it has been that way since she was 13. After all those years of drinking, you would think that she has learned to hold her liquore, but apparently not as she was fired from her job after getting too drunk (white-girl-wasted) at her office Christmas party. This is what she told me...

Esther said that she did not plan for things to go so badly since she only new about 5 people out of thr 800 employees who would be at the party. Because of this, she thought that she had complete anonymity and that even if she did get drunk, no one would know who she was. She would stick to hanging out with her immidiate coworkers who also partied hard.

The day began at 8 a.m. when the bus was to leave from the office to the location of the party. Esther expected everyone to be on time so she arrived 30 minutes late, but found that the bus had already left - not a good start! She ended up catching public transportation (3 buses) to finally arrive at the location about 2 hours away. Once she arrived, the beer drinking began at about 10:30 a.m.! It wasn{t until after lunch that the dancing and music started with waitresses serving liquor. By 6 p.m. she had already madout with a coworker and got yelled by the HR supervisor for playing around the dance floor.

By 9 p.m. everything had gone well, but she was very drunk. That is when the shit hit the fan in a series of unlucky events. Unfortunately, when Esther gets drunk, she gets aggressive and likes to fight. Apparently she got in a fight with an unknown random coworker because she was told that she could not sit at the same table with a group on unknown coworkers. Basically, she felt insulted that the lady at the table did not allow her to with them, so she went off on her with a verbal attack. ¨Who the fuck do you think you are? You aain't shit¨, she said to the lady at the table. She later was to find out that the random lady was the Director of Human Resources. Uh-oh!

During that tyrade, she was promptly scolded by the party supervisor.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Esther & The Military The Smoke Bomb

This is kinda what Monica looked line back then.
Esther and I had a crazy friend who was a teenaged punk in 1999. Her name was Monica, she dyed her hair bright red, but was still beautiful with long black hair, fair skin, and big lips (think Angelina Jolie in the 90s). Monica was a rebel, and even though Esther was too, at least Monica was a rebel that was out of the closet. She was proud of it and maybe that is what attracted her to Esther. Monica was also her stealing buddy who she would steal underwear with from department stores.

Monica and Esther would hang out around Emory University because that is where Monica lived with her mother and brother. Her brother wasr also was a militant punk who wore combat boots and military clothes in highschool. His skinned head did not take away from his good looks either!

One day when Esther and Monica were hanging out at Monica´s house, they decided to drop acid together. This was the first time that Esther took acid so she did not know what to expect, but Monica had done it before so she felt more comfortable. Esther told me that she did not feel anything at first. They were watching a movie and eventually things started to seem funnier. After a while of giggling for no reason, things got interesting.

Monica´s brother noticed that there was an Emory frat party down the street. Of course, Monica and her brother hate frat parties and the people who attand them because they are punks. They complained about the noise and their ¨stupid neighbors¨ for a while until Monica´s brother realized he had a solution to the problem - a smoke bomb! It was a military strength smoke bomb and they wanted to break up the party with it.

Ok, this is not an actual picture of them throwing the bomb, but you get the idea.

Because of the acid, their need for adventure was high. Monica came up with the idea of throwing the smoke bomb at the party house. OK! Esther and Monica covered themselves with black hoodies and headed down the street with the smoke bomb. They ran and hid behind trees like ninjas until they arrived close to the house. After counting down 1-2-3, Esther pulled the needlie while Monica threw the smoke bomb towards the house. After a couple of seconds the smoke began to build...then they turned around and ran back to the house. Minutes later they realized how strong the military smoke bomb really was!

After peeping out the window, you could see that the whole street was full of smoke. Also, Esther said you could hear the people at the party start to scream and run out of the house - they thought that thw house was on fire! Esther and Monica could not stop laughing. Moments later a fire truck and police arrived. Because they were still tripping on acid, the flashing red lights only made the experience even better.

In the end, the house was not on fire, but the party was over and there was a big mystery left in the neighborhood. Where did the smoke bomb come from and who threw it? Terrorist? The mystery has not been solved to this day, but they could have gotten in a lot of trouble!

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Esther Likes To Steal

Esther make look innocent, but she is a thief!

Esther began stealing with another friend that we had. They specialized in stealing clothes and underwear from deparment stores. They liked to steal expensive underwear by trying them on in the dressing rooms, laying on like 3 bras, then walking out. Pretty easy actually. I think her freind got caught once, but Esther never did and this may be why it lead to more stealing.

Eventually, the items that were being stolen became more expensive. To do this, she transitioned from stealing from department stores to stealing from employers. At one point she worked at a Korean cell phone store. She stole phones from there and even gave one to me as a gift, so sweet!

For some reason, I was not involved in the stealing. I usually just heard about it from Dale or her other friend about it after the fact. Dale and Esther were like partners in crime who planned stealing sprees together and then spend some of the money on me. I always wondered how they had so much money and was happy to have such generous friends, but eventually I figured it out.

I think the most extravegant plan to perpetually steal from an employeer on a steady basis was also planned with Dale. This began when Dale got us a job working in a really strange situation. There was a man that he knew through the Boy Scouts that sold rare coins from his basement. The basement was full of rare coins, bills, and $1,000 bags of quarters. Our job was to take the coins in the bag and roll them into $10 rolls of quarters. It was a job that we did after school. Eveyday, the 3 of us would go to the basement and start washing and rolling coins for hours. It was almost like slave labor in an old dingy basement with a fat old white man watching us and not doing much else. After a while, the old white man became more trusting and left us alone with his stash of money. The basement was very interesting as it had Nazi coins, double-sided coins, old dollar bills, gold coins, and other rare items.

This is what tha bags of quaters looked like.
The point of the story is that we started stealing on a regular bases. It started off with stuffing the $10 rolls in our shoes or clothes. However, Dale and Esther planned a scheme that was even more of a cash cow. After Dale and Esther began living an extravegant life of highschool students, they finally told me that they had been stealing even more than I had imagined.

There plan was that they brought luch to work in a large cooler. They would fit one of the $1,000 bags in the cooler and walk out at the end of the day. The money bags were heavy and piled under our desk - probably about 20 bags at a time. The owner was so unorganized that there was no inventory system so he never noticed. I am not sure how many bags they stole, but they never got caught and it was actually very easy, especially because they seemed so innocent.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

1 Latina & 2 Asians

Why would a little Colombian girl end up best friends with a Korean girl and Chinese guy? Atlanta is a very multicultural city and even though there were other Latinos, I never really had one as a close friend.

I believe Esther was attracted to my friendship because she did not fit the typical Asian stereotypes. Yes, she was smart and a good student, but she also had a edgy and rebellious side. This darker side of her was not apparent to most people and she would hide it from family, teachers, and other friends. However, when I was around her, she felt comfortable in being herself and I insisted on bringing out that side out even more. I did this by not being judgemental, having fun, and encouraging bad behavior.

Esther and I on a typical weekend.

This came naturally to be because as Latino stereotypes go, I was outgoing, a partyer, rebellious, and fun. This may have been attrative to Esther because all of her other friends were typical A-type Korean Christian girls. I felt like she could not relate to them in the same way because they would judge or criticize her. To say the least, I did not get a long with her other friends very much.

Dale was also like this and this made us into great best friends. While Esther would tell her parents she was going to a math tournament over the weekend, we would be at raves doing drugs. We would sneak out, run over trash cans with Dale´s car, skip school, and steal items. Basically, these contraversial actions is what bonded us together, whether or not her other friends knew about it or not.

Esther Is A Christian

The Christian religion is very strong in the Korean community. This is especially true since we grew up in Atlanta, which is located in the bible belt.

When we were younger religion was not really an issue between us. I mean what 13 year old is considering the seriousness of their faith? However, as we grew older this definately became an issue. She became increasingly more religious as I became more athiest.

One of the reason´s why her religion is so strong is because her father is a pastor. He has a church and preaches to the Korean community. Her family in general is strict for this reason. Obviously, no drinking or smoking alllowed - things that eventually would become my specialties.

This is what Esther wanted people to think of her as.
The issues with religion between us began to show in high school. This is were we began to experiment with drugs and alcohol. We would go to parties and underground raves with Dale to listend to house music which was super popular at the time.  To be honest, we deffinately had fun as Esther always had a wild streak in her. Sometimes it would come out during these parties, but then it would go away once we were back in school during the week. This is when I began to notice the split personalities that Esther would manage. These split and opposite personalities were essentially the result of her pressure to be a good Christian from her family while also wanting to be a fun friend to me and Dale.

This is what she was really like.
I have to admit that if Esther was the ¨Christian One¨, then I was the ¨Evil One¨. My appetite for debouchery was growing every time we went out. I enjoyed spending that time with her, but was often surprised when she would switch back to the ¨Christina Esther¨ once the weekend was over. Not only was it a change in personalities, it also turned into judgement and resentment: I learned to view this behavior as hypocritical as she would switch between each lifestyle. For examples, one day she is at a prayer meeting then the next day stealing merchandise from stores.

This confilct in behavior is once of the main reason I lost respect for her, but instead of it being a small issue, it became a larger issue as the ¨Evil¨ behavior got worse and worse. Each time she commited a more severe discretion, the distance between her personalities grew more and more.

How It All Started

I met my Korean friend Esther in elementary school. We were in a gifted program for high achieveing students. Hence, in the 90s there were few Latinos in that school and a lot more Asians. Because I was one of the few Latinos, I immediately started making friends with the Asians. I made a Chinese friend (Dale) and my Korean friend Esther. Soon the 3 of us were a tight knit group of buddies - the three amigos!

Not only was it a little strange for a Colombian girl to befriend a Chinese and Korean, but it was also funny that I looked like Esther. For a Latina, I did not have the typical look. I was light-skinned, curly black hair, and skinny. I basically looked like Esther. But Esther looked like me becuase one year she decided to perm her hair so we both had the same hair style and looked the same from the back. In school, teachers would confuse us.

As the years went by, the three of us became closer and closer. Eventually, I started spending the night at her house and was integrated into the Asian culture even more. Whether it was hangiing out with her Korean grandmother, taking my shoes off at the door, or eating Korean food; I always learned something new at her house. Because of this, even to this day, I have a great passion and appreciatino for Asian culture. My apartment is decorated in at least 50% Oriental decor and I take off my shoes at the door of my own apartment.